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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Story

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Story

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a game that brought revolutionary mechanics to the game world on the day it was released. It is one of the first works in the game world where FPS games and cinematic narration are used together.

Although killing enemies is our main goal in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, there is a story behind it.

Beginning of the Story

In 2011, various wars took place in three different parts of the world. First, there is a war between the government and the nationalists in Russia, which is in the north. In a country with oil fields in the Middle East, the president was dismissed by a coup and a dictator named Khaled Al Asad took over the administration. At one of Britain's military bases, a man named Soap MacTavish joins the BRAVO team.

Soap Mactavish is first tested by a soldier named Gaz to join the team. Afterward, Captain Price tests him again and approves him. After this process, the team sets out to organize an operation for the cargo ship. This ship is thought to be carrying nuclear weapons. The team captures the cargo ship and obtains the cargo list. However, during this time, the ship is attacked, and Bravo team barely manages to escape.

cod mw story

After the team successfully evades the attack, they have a new mission. An informant named Nikolai, who provided information to the Bravo team in Russia, was spotted and taken prisoner. Bravo team enlists help from soldiers to save Nikolai. At the end of this mission, the Bravo team finds out that Khaled Al Asad has nuclear weapons.

The Size of the War Is Growing

The American army decides to invade Khaled Al Asad's rule to stop him. On the second day of the battle, Lt. A small unit commanded by Vasquez launches an operation to capture Khaled Al Asad. The reason for this is that propaganda broadcasts are made from that region. However, when they enter the broadcast room, they notice a tape recording playing repeatedly. On top of that, Lt. Vasquez is given the task of grimacing the capital.

Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® Remastered
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® Remastered

 In the middle of the war, the lieutenant is given information about nuclear weapons. After Vasquez receives this information, he takes action to withdraw his men. After all the teams get on the helicopters, they start to run away. But during the escape, the nuclear bomb explodes, causing everyone to die. As a result of the explosion of the nuclear bomb, thirty thousand American soldiers and the entire city are destroyed.

Conclusion of the Story

The Bravo team, led by Captain Price, discovers the location of Khaled Al Asad. They capture the dictator and interrogate him. During the interrogation, Khaled's phone rings. The caller is the name that is the cause of all these events; Imran Zakhaev. Zakhaev is the leader of the nationalists in Russia. Captain Price tells the members of the team about his first encounter with Zakhaev and a past mission.

modern warfare story

Bravo team aims to kidnap Zakhaev's son to use as leverage against him. However, Zakhaev's son commits suicide. As a result, Zakhaev takes the ballistic missile facility to take revenge. Although the Bravo team and British forces embark on a joint mission to intercept the missiles, two missiles are launched. The team reaches the control room, neutralizes the missiles, and starts to move away from the area. Meanwhile, Zakhaev's army captures them. Everyone dies in this war except Soap and Captain Price.

One of the iconic scenes of the game takes place at this point. Captain Price, lying wounded on the ground, throws his pistol at Soap with the last of his energy. Soap takes the gun and kills Zakhaev and the two soldiers next to him. The game ends at this point.

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