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Best Stealth Games

Best Stealth Games

Stealth games have always been the favorite type for many gamers. Especially when blended great within RPG games, nothing can beat it. We have listed the best stealth games you could find this year.

Best Stealth Games to play on PC

Dishonored 2

The first Dishonored was a breath of fresh air in the world of first person action games, with its focus on stealth and choice rather than run-and-gun gameplay. The sequel continues the series' rich history of challenging players to think outside the box and make smart decisions in an otherwise linear game world.

You're given more options for how you want to approach your mission objectives. You can choose whether or not to kill people in your way, or if you want to use their blood and bodies as distractions. You can also choose if you want to use a power like the blink and teleport abilities.

It's up to you how you want to play Dishonored 2, so it's nice that they gave us so many options when it comes to things like these.

Dishonored 2
Dishonored 2

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Deus Ex Mankind Divided is a game that lives up to its name. The new direction for the series is one of the most intriguing developments in gaming in years, and it's a game that's only gotten more exciting as time has gone on.

The story of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is told from the perspective of Adam Jensen, a security specialist who's been recruited by an agency called Task Force 29. Jensen is sent to Dubai to investigate a terrorist attack that has left hundreds dead and dozens injured.

stealth games for pc

He finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy with far-reaching implications for the future of mankind itself, and it's up to him (and you) to stop it.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Sniper Elite 5

Sniper Elite 5 is a game that's as fun to play as it is to watch your friends play. It's easy to pick up and play, with intuitive controls and a number of different ways to approach each mission. Whether you're playing alone or with friends, the game offers several ways to improve your score, which can be especially helpful if you want to level up your character.

best stealth games

The game's missions are also varied enough that you don't feel like you're doing the same thing every time—you'll have to use your sniper skills in some cases, but also sneak around and take out enemies with stealth kills or explosives. The missions are great at mixing things up, so even if you've played through them before, they still feel fresh.

If you're looking for a fun new way to spend some time with your friends or family this holiday season, look no further than Sniper Elite 5!

Sniper Elite 5
Sniper Elite 5

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag

Assassin's Creed Black Flag is a game that takes place in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. You play as Edward Kenway, a pirate who has the ability to explore the open seas and free roam.

best stealth games to play on pc

The game starts with you being part of an Assassin's guild and then you are thrown into the deep end by being forced to kill your own father. You are then sent on missions to find out more about what happened to your father and why he was killed.

Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag™
Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag™