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Digimon Survive Evolution Levels

Digimon Survive Evolution Levels

There are more than a hundred different Digimons in Digimon Survive. Every Digimon has the potential to evolve and become stronger. Some Digimon has four different power levels, while others only have three different power levels. In any case, evolving a Digimon is a decision that will increase his strength on the battlefield. If you're curious about the evolution levels in Digimon Survive, keep reading!

Levels of Evolution in Digimon Survive

Digimon Survive
Digimon Survive

Child Digimon Level

Almost every Digimon starts with a child level, whether it's the Digimon you acquire at the beginning of the story or the Digimon you acquire in the open world. When a Digimon is at child level, it has elemental powers and stats. Accordingly, the SP requirement of child digimons is low. In addition, Digimon at this level can have different powers and abilities with different development paths. Depending on the karma level your character has, your Digimon will be predisposed to a type of evolution. The child level is the evolution level with the largest number of Digimon. If you have a child-level Digimon, it is possible to strengthen it in different ways. It is also the first step in the evolution of the child-level Digimon.

Adult Digimon Level

Your Adult Digimon Level is the second empowerment level. If your Digimon has evolved only once, it is found at the adult Digimon level. To bring a Digimon to the adult level, you must have the item he needs. If you are evolving a story Digimon you will need to do its quest. Digimon Survive contains a total of 32 different adult-level Digimon. Not all these digimons evolved from the child Digimon level. There is the possibility of encountering an adult-level Digimon in the open world or the story.

digimon survive evolution levels

Ultimate Digimon Level

If you evolve into an adult Digimon, you will get Ultimate level Digimon. Not every Digimon has the capacity to evolve to the ultimate level. However, if you want to evolve a Digimon to the ultimate level, a difficult process awaits you. For some digimons, the story needs to progress to reach the ultimate level, while for others it is difficult to find the necessary items. Certain characters must die to evolve some Digimon to the ultimate level. Since Digimon Survive is an anime-based game, a Digimon must experience emotional destruction to reach the ultimate level.

Mega Digimon Level

The last evolutionary stage a Digimon can reach is the Mega Digimon Level. Mega Digimon Level is the category that contains the most powerful digimons of the game. There are 32 different digimons in total in this category. We would like to remind you that if you upgraded a Digimon to a mega level, its SP cost will be more than 110. So be careful before raising a Digimon to a mega level.

Ultra Ultimate Digimon Level

In Digimon Survive, there is only one Digimon that can reach Ultra Ultimate Digimon Level. The name of this Digimon is Omegamon. To get Omegamon, you need to make great progress in the story of the game. Omegamon is an evolution level formed by combining Agumon and Gabumon. In addition, Omegamon has 5276 hp and 468 SP, it uses fire and light power.