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Overwatch 2 Characters Guide

Overwatch 2 Characters Guide

Overwatch 2, the sequel, to Blizzard’s highly-popular team-based shooter, has been announced back at BlizzCon 2019. Blizzard has been sharing some important details since then.

If you have questions like who are the new heroes in Overwatch 2, who is Junker Queen, or which familiar heroes we will see again, you are in the right article. Let’s get started with the Overwatch 2 Heroes Guide. 

All Confirmed Characters in Overwatch 2

Junker Queen

Overwatch players will know her name from the lore, but this is the first opportunity we've had to meet her. Coming from Junkertown, Junker Queen is the ruler of an abandoned robot factory in Australia's Outback. She transformed the remains into a Mad Max-like arena where fighters combat for survival. She is armed with a shotgun and a large battle knife for close encounters.

We now know that Junker Queen has magnetic abilities and she can also throw a knife into an enemy, and it will be recalled to pull the enemy towards Junker Queen so that she can combine into a close-range blast using her gun or into hazards. Her ulti lets her summon three rotating battle axes to her gauntlet and propel her forward in a cyclone.


Sojourn was the first character that was revealed for Overwatch 2. This announcement came alongside the official game launch back in 2019.
Sojourn was an Overwatch captain who joined in the Golden Age. She's from Canada and has had cybernetic brain implants. The primary weapon of

She appears to be an energy-based gun that can fire in two modes. The first is an easy-to-use automatic weapon. The second, however, turns it into a concentrated beam that can be charged to inflict more damage.

In addition to these brand-new characters, every single character from the first game will be with us in the sequel. Some may be slightly different, while others will get some visual and gameplay updates or both. Here's a list of all returning characters you can play in Overwatch 2…


These characters are designed to absorb massive damage and cause disruptions to the enemy's position. Your team must capture a point. Tanks shine by drawing aggro and blocking damage. DPS characters can pick off the enemy when they are not able to. We have eight returning tanks heading to Overwatch 2.

  • D.Va
  • Orisa
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • Sigma
  • Winston
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Zarya
Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2

DPS Characters

DPS characters are probably the most popular and fast-paced role in the game. DPS characters make up the majority of the game's content. These characters, which are so well described by their name, are meant to be damage dealers on your team. They can kill enemies faster than any other character, whether they have shotguns, machine guns or rockets. We have 15 DPS heroes looking forward to keeping fighting.

  • Ashe
  • Echo
  • Tracer
  • Reaper
  • Phara
  • McCree
  • Soldier: 76
  • Genji
  • Sombra
  • Doomfist
  • Widowmaker
  • Torbjorn
  • Hanzo
  • Bastion
  • Junkrat
  • Mei
  • Symmetra

overwatch 2 character guide

Support Characters

Without solid support players, no team can function. They are vital for buffing, healing, and debuffing your enemy. These are far from useless, but they are not meant for the front line. Supports make sure that everyone on the team is able to do their jobs. We have 7 Supports that are returning to the battlefield. 

  • Ana
  • Baptiste
  • Brigitte
  • Lucio
  • Mercy
  • Moira
  • Zenyatta