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The Cycle: Frontier Best Early Game Loadouts

The Cycle: Frontier Best Early Game Loadouts

If you have just started playing The Cycle Frontier, you probably do not have access to the powerful weapons in the game. In the game, you need to complete quests to access and afford more powerful weapons. However, if you encounter strong opponents during these missions, you may get bored of the game.

No need to worry because we will list the best loadouts for the early game for you. Every loadout on this list is useful for players who are just starting or have spent a few hours playing the game.

The Cycle: Frontier
The Cycle: Frontier

Best Loadouts in The Cycle: Frontier

Loadout: Balance

If you are looking for a loadout with equal advantage for both your mid-range and long-range enemies, this loadout is designed for you. For the balance loadout, you should choose your first weapon as the AR-55 Autorifle. The AR-55 Phase Autorifle has a 22-bullet capacity. Each bullet you hit with this weapon deals 13 damage to your enemy. It is also an effective weapon at medium range as it has a good rate of fire. In the beginning stages of the game, the AR-55 will do the trick for close and medium-range enemies.

the cycle frontier best loadouts

The second weapon you should use is the C-32 Bolt Action. The C-32 Bolt Action is a 5-bullet sniper rifle. You deal 250 damage to your opponents with your accurate shots up to 143 meters. If you shoot at your opponent's weak area, you can deal 437 damage. This weapon will give you a great advantage in hunting your enemies from a distance. In the early stages of the game, you can use this weapon effectively to kill your enemies without encountering them. Also, if you encounter another player, it is possible to kill him with one shot.

In this loadout, you need to add 3 Weak Stims to your backpack. For the early stage of the game, it will be enough to take 3 stims with you. You will encounter fewer enemies in your first missions. In addition, you need to buy 10 Mineral Scanners. Thanks to the Mineral Scanner, you can find minerals during the mission and earn more. 250 Medium Ammo and 20 Heavy Ammo will be enough for the initial phase.

the cycle frontier beginner loadouts

Loadout: Burst

You can use this loadout to inflict burst damage at close range and long range. You must take the C-32 Bolt Action with you for this loadout. With this weapon, you can inflict high damage to your enemies at a distance. The second weapon you should take with you is the B9 Trenchgun. Trenchgun allows you to deal 304 damage to your opponent if you hit all the pellets. You can inflict maximum damage against your opponents by shooting from the bottom. Trenchgun has a capacity of 8 magazines. You should use this loadout if you are aiming to inflict sudden high damage both at short range and at long range.

In addition to weapons, we recommend that you take 40 Heavy Ammos and 50 shotgun ammos with you. You can also make maximum loot with 3 Stims and 10 Mineral Scanners.