Compares game prices from official stores only

User Feedbacks

As, we value all the ideas and suggestions of all our users, the gamers themselves. In order to shape and develop bestgameprice in the best way that serves us all, we collect your feedback and make sure to reply to each and every one of them.

User Liking - January 2024


User Liking - December 2023


User Liking - November 2023


User Feedback - November 2023



"GTA 5" 

Bestgameprice Team: Although we truly appreciate your enthusiasm, the Feedback tool does not operate as the Search Bar. For every game you would like to find, including GTA 5, you can use the Search Bar located at the top of the screen.  



Bestgameprice Team: 🛐🙏

User Liking - October 2023


User Feedbacks - October 2023


"I love this, that's why." - The Page: Best Robot Games

Bestgameprice Team: We all love a little bit of artificial intelligence...


"Bus driving simulator 22"

Bestgameprice Team: Although we truly appreciate your enthusiasm, the Feedback tool does not operate as the Search Bar. For every game you would like to find, you can use the Search Bar located at the top of the screen.  

User Liking - September 2023


User Feedbacks - September 2023


"I live it." - The Page: A Dance of Fire and Ice Neo Cosmos

Bestgameprice Team: So do we!!


"Need other currencies" 

Bestgameprice Team: The whole purpose of us collecting these feedbacks is to make the necessary upgrades in the platform that will provide you with a better user experience. You can be sure that we take this issue into consideration. 


"Call of Duty ghosts is not $24 dollars for most of the year. It's $59. Furthermore, it seems that you guys are mistaking the Season Pass (DLC Pack bundle) for the base game. The base game is $59. The Season Pass (DLC Bundle) is $49. Please correct this."

Bestgameprice Team: First of all, we would like to congratulate you for your attention to detail. The homepage was designed to allow you to see the cheapest price of each game which sometimes might include bundles and DLCs. We have already started working with our developer team to avoid confusion regarding upgrade versions.

User Liking - August 2023


User Liking - July 2023


User Feedbacks - July 2023




Bestgameprice Team: Although we truly appreciate your enthusiasm, the Feedback tool does not operate as the Search Bar. For every game you would like to find, including GTA 5, you can use the Search Bar located at the top of the screen.  


"You say Diablo 2 price is 19€, while it is 39€"

Bestgameprice Team: The prices on our site are updated daily. You may have to wait for the next day for the price to change for the campaigns/promos that end during the day to appear on our platform.

User Liking - June 2023


User Liking - May 2023


User Feedbacks - May 2023


"It's cool." - The Game: Garten of Banban 3

Bestgameprice Team: It's one of our favorites too!


"Super" - The Page: New Releases

Bestgameprice Team: We are glad to see that you enjoy our New Releases tab. From this page, you can access the newest PC game with the cheapest price. 

User Liking - April 2023


User Feedbacks - April 2023


"Very nice gaming" 

Bestgameprice Team: It's one of our favorites too!


"😍" - The Content: Best Games with Movie-like Scenarios

Bestgameprice Team: 💜


"I want to play it 10M times" 

Bestgameprice Team: Nothing can hold you back king 👑


"Would love the ability to see in different currency as I lay able to see in EUR and not USD isn't as helpful"


"I’d like to be able to change the price to my local currency"


"Euros? What is that - some kind of Monopoly money?"

Bestgameprice Team: We hear you, loud and clear. The whole purpose of us collecting these feedbacks is to make the necessary upgrades in the platform that will provide you with a better user experience. You can be sure that we take this issue into consideration. 



Bestgameprice Team: My exact reaction when I saw that game 😍